Day 5: Exodus 20.1-17

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  • #229
    Rev Andy
    Andy Roland

    Our society does not pay much attention to the 10 Commandments. One God, no idols, no work on the Sabbath, respecting parents, not lying, sexual faithfulness, not desiring what we have not got.

    But breaking any of these commandments will have the consequence of stress in our lives. Many years ago, living in Earls Court, I used to go to the laundrette on Sunday afternoon. After one sermon I decided not todo my laundry on Sunday, and found that a whole new pattern of rest and a break from doing work, including housework, was just great!

    And they do say that our world is in the grip of an epidemic of stress.


    Researching more info on ten commandments #3 “do not take God’s name in vain” – can be expanded to be overall careful as Christians about the language we use – to use conciliatory language v inflammatory etc. Also #2” you shall not make idols” being so not worship the work of our hands e.g. money . But always thank God not ourselves.

    Some of this weblink I found interesting:

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