Day 6: 1 Kings 8.1-40

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  • #438
    Rev Andy
    Rev Andy

    What makes cathedrals special?

    They are large, impressive, beautiful and usually old. The Temple was not old. They are designed for worship with a lot of people, so you get the sense that you are part of something big, not just the local community. They are the keepers of tradition and history. And they give enough space to be bale to find a corner and pray.
    But they are not a national insurance policy, which is what Solomon seems to have envisaged.


    places of worship are places of foremost prayer & a place of quiet to be able to pray & have time with God. Pray is really up to each person – it is down yo individual but place of worship can create an environment to facilitate a quiet space enabling prayer & facilitating time with God.

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