Genesis 11.1-9


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  • #865
    Rev Andy

    We tend to think that pride does not go before a fall. People of power and influence seem to be invulnerable. But in fact strange things do happen. The most recent obvious things are Theresa May’s failed gamble of a general election, and of course Harvey Weinstein. But even when a surprising turnaround does not happen, I believe that what inevitably happens is a hardening of the spiritual arteries.


    I researched a few weblinks to understand this passage a bit more – there are many out there, but this one was fairly simple to understand

    “Genesis 11:1–9 recounts one of the most dramatic acts of God recorded in Genesis. Before the tribes and nations described in Genesis 10 were formed, all the people of the earth shared one language and one culture. They also shared the goal of not wanting to be separated. To that end, they decided to make themselves great by building a great city with an enormous tower—and without apparently acknowledging God. To keep humanity from being too powerful, and lapsing into the widespread sin which inspired the flood, God confuses human languages and scattered mankind around the world. The city of Babel, similar to the Hebrew word for ”confused,” would later become known as Babylon.”

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